The Worst Form of Injustice is Pretended Justice

– Plato

The Worst Form of Injustice is Pretended Justice

– Plato

We are a unique team of legal and crisis consultants with a multidisciplinary boutique character and an international focus. We offer specialized legal services geared towards client satisfaction and development of indigenous jurisprudence. Recognized for our aggressive advocacy and consistent representation of commercial and private clients dealing with life altering circumstances, we aim to deliver desired results with integrity and expertise.

We combine unique legal advice with an offering of bespoke additional services such as forensic auditing, private investigators, and accounting services with legal oversight to aid in good corporate governance. We further engage in conducting investigations regarding human resource violations for international companies, reputation management of high net-worth individuals and engineering corporate negotiation and strategy.

Being members of a strong regional and international network allows us to handle a robust portfolio of matters throughout the globe in countries such as the Caribbean, South America, United Kingdom and the United States of America.

Our team derives its core vision from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 as we are fully compliant with SDG 16’s ten outcome targets in our practice areas.

A reputation can be destroyed overnight.

Crisis is unpredictable and can quickly change your life. A reputation can be destroyed overnight. In my career I have seen situations get out of hand quickly where strategic and sound legal advice is not applied. A fierce and aggressive lawyer who is dedicated to protecting your interest is a game-changer. We are committed to fearless and strong representation in the pursuit of justice.

Our track record of over 65 years is unparalleled.

Whether you are entering into a commercial agreement or getting out of a hostile relationship or sensing the clanging of handcuffs you need the right lawyers in your corner.

Choose lawyers you can trust to deliver results. 

We have established an unparalleled track record over the last 65 years, and we plan to build on that foundation and move forward with a new course for the firm’s future, under my leadership. Our approach is bold and unconventional and will see the firm taking on more challenging and contentious matters in areas such as Civil and Commercial Litigation and Criminal Law.


Our Goals


Law questions in Trinidad & tobago (T&T)

The following are some of the questions most asked of our attorneys, followed by general answers. For more detailed answers to any legal questions you might have, or for an evaluation of your individual case, please contact K.R. Lalla and Company at +1 868 625-5074.

The Constitution is the supreme law of Trinidad and Tobago.  The fundamental rights and freedoms of citizens are enshrined in the Constitution. These are rights which all citizens are entitled to and which are protected. In our Constitution, sections 4 and 5 provide that these rights exist without discrimination by reason of race, origin, colour, religion or sex.

Among the rights and freedoms protected are:

  1. The right of the individual to life, liberty, security of the person and enjoyment of property and the right not to be deprived there of except by due process of law;
  2. The right of the individual to equality before the law and the protection of the law;
  3. The right of the individual to respect for his private and family life;
  4. The right of the individual to equality of treatment from any public authority in the exercise of any functions;
  5. The right to join political parties and to express political views;
  6. The right of a parent or guardian to provide a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward;
  7. Freedom of movement;
  8. Freedom of conscience and religious belief and observance;
  9. Freedom of thought and expression;
  10. Freedom of association and assembly; and
  11. Freedom of the press.

The laws of Trinidad and Tobago can be found online at the Digital Legislative Library.  

Citizens should be aware of their rights, so that they are able to recognize if those rights are being infringed upon. We believe it is in your best interests to seek qualified legal representation who can ensure that your rights are protected and advise them on the best way to proceed.

It is always a personal choice whether to get the assistance of an attorney. When faced with legal challenges, choosing the best attorney is of paramount importance, and at K.R. Lalla and Company, our lawyers have considerable experience and offer exceptional service. If you require representation from a leading law firm with a proven track record for results, we can help. Call us at +1 868 625-5074.

No. Our lawyers will examine the particulars of each case and advise on the best strategy.  At every stage of the process, we work with our clients to manage potential risk and aim to solve complex disputes as efficiently as possible. 

K.R. Lalla and Company has a formidable reputation in the local and regional legal landscape. Our approach is client-centric, and our experienced team of lawyers works with our clients to develop tailored and innovative solutions to their specific needs.   

Call us at +1 868 625-5074 to find out how we can help.


Let us guide you in your most troubled times.