A constitutional claim filed by Takeisha Clairmont, a mother of eight from east Port of Spain, who was left stranded abroad for almost six months on her first trip outside TT, was dismissed by Justice Eleanor Donaldson-Honeywell, who found the COVID19 public health regulations, which allowed for the closure of the borders and introduced an exemption process, were within the powers of the public health ordinance 1940 “to guard against the ravaging effects of public health risks caused by infectious disease.” She said the legislation served to protect the public interest in avoiding extensive illness and deaths due to infectious diseases and was saved by the law. She held once the regulations were within their powers, they too were saved law, meaning they were not open to constitutional challenge. The claim was filed on Clairmont’s behalf by attorneys Anand Ramlogan SC, Renuka Rambhajan, Che Dindial, Alana Rambaran, and Ganesh Saroop.